
Motor Control - Assessment of Kinetic and Bioelectric Signals

In our work, we study and model the properties of human motion using mathematical methods. For this reason, we perform measurements on able-bodied people, usually during cyclic limb movements. We apply movement analyzing systems (Ultrasound based Zebris CMS-HS) and infrared based (Vicon Motion System) synchronized with muscle activity recording systems (Cometa MiniWave System). We process the recorded bioelectric signals by filtering and applying various algorithms. The aim of this is to answer questions related to the coordinated activities of several muscles, or to study geometric features of  various motor tasks.


People who lost some of their motor functions due to neural injury (e.g. spinal cord injury) are able to exert active muscle forces with the help of Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES). FES controlled bicycling movements are beneficial for these patients and prevent health problems related to their sedentary lifestyle, it improves cardiovascular and respiratory functions, muscle tone. The therapy, developed by our group is available in the National Institute for Medical Rehabilitation regularly for inpatients and outpatients as well. There are several cycling equipment are available (Motomed Viva2 ergometer, Berkelbike tricycle) and there are possibilities to follow up physiological effects.

FES cycling as a race - preparing for the Cybathlon 2024

The Cybathlon, a bionic olympics held every four years, is a competition between technology and humanity. Its goal is to create a network between people with disabilities, research developers, and industry stakeholders. Our research group, in collaboration with researchers from Pázmány Péter Catholic University, medical specialists from the Semmelweis University Rehabilitation Clinic, and the University of Pécs, will compete in the FES bike race category at the 2024 event, representing the HunFess team.

Current projects

  • Studying coordination between lower and upper limbs in cyclic movements.
  • Investigating the effects of FES cycling from different aspects.

Cooperating partners