
About us

The Neurorehabilitation and Motor Control research group focuses on studying human movement patterns, answering questions about movement control and applying the results to the movement rehabilitation of people with motor impairments. Motion control is an interdisciplinary field based on the collaboration of physicists, engineers, mathematicians, human kinesiologists and physicians. Applications of motion control research include medical rehabilitation, sports science and rehabilitation robotics.

Our research team is investigating the movement of able-bodied participants to answer control questions using different mathematical models and computer algorithms. Regulatory issues include, for example, the optimisation of the execution of a movement task, the study of the interactions between neuro-musculoskeletal systems or the monitoring of different parameters in the presence of altered locomotion. Our group conducts its research in collaboration with the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, the University of Pécs and the National Institute of Medical Rehabilitation. Our results are mainly applied in the rehabilitation training of people with spinal cord injury. During the training sessions, we monitor the effectiveness of the therapeutic protocols and the progress of the patients as a result of the training sessions. The specificity of the functional electrical stimulation (FES) guided cycling used by our research group is that paralysed muscles are induced to exert artificially induced active muscle forces by means of electrical stimulation. This type of movement is also suitable for competitive training. We have been preparing for Cybathlon competitions for years with our spinal cord injured pilot, in collaboration with multiple institutions. 

Cybathlon - FES Bike Race - HunFess Team

During the last years, our team worked on developing stimulation patterns and training protocols for FES cycling training of paraplegics. Our Pilot, Csaba Szamosi was involved in optimizing the developed protocols. Our team, HunFess uses the Berkelbike Pro tricycle, and members of several institutions participate in the development of the stimulation patterns and training protocols. These institutions are the Pazmany Peter Catholic University, the Wigner Research Centre for Physics, the University of Pecs and the Semmelweis University, Rehabilitation Clinic (former name National Institute for Medical Rehabilitation) in Hungary. The team members have various educational and professional backgrounds, such as Human Kinesiology, Physical Therapy, Info-Bionic Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics and Biology. The Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics of the Pazmany Peter Catholic University prepares for Cybathlon Competion in other disciplines, that are BCI and Vision, as well. For the FES biking race, the HunFess team combines technical sciences, computational sciences, natural sciences and medical sciences in partnership with the above-mentioned institutions, and we aim to foster FES-based rehabilitation of spinal cord injured people.


Lilla Zólyominé Botzheim

Wigner RCP, Department of Computational Sciences, 
Neurorehabilitation and Motor Control Research Group.

  • Address: 1121 Budapest, Konkoly Thege Miklós út 29-33. , 6. Building. 2. floor. 4. room
  • Phone: Telefon: +36 1 392 25 64
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